What do the Simple folk do?

cue music

One of my favorite musicals was Camelot. In the beginning, when King Arthur and Guinevere were getting to know one another, they were strolling along in the forest trying to figure out something to do. They were bored! A kingdom at their feet, wars and villains conquered they had nothing left to entertain them. This started the query, what do the simple folk do?


I often think of this song when Rennie and I are “hanging out” and I can tell that he is restless. No projects, no dilemmas. What to do for entertainment? He gets bored easily. Me? You could probably count on one hand the times that I’ve been bored. There is always something to do. I worked with people like that. Looking for the next challenge. Don’t get me wrong. I love a good challenge and project. I just don’t need a constant stimulus 24/7.

just who are the simple folk?

Hmm, simple folk. Is that you? Me? The neighbors down the street? And if we’re the simple folk then who are the others? The ones with where-with-all and seemingly the endless entertainment? Maybe.

Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? Do you know someone that plays endlessly hoping to hit it big? What would you do with it? Travel? Quit your job? According to https://www.lotto.com/magazine/who-plays-the-lottery these are the demographics of those that purchase tickets.

In the United States, 30-64 year olds buy the most lottery tickets, while players aged 50-64 pay the most every week, an average of $6.72. If you’re between the ages of 18 and 29, or above the age of 65, you’re less likely to buy more than one ticket. In terms of money, if you earn between $30,000 and $50,000, you belong to the cohort of Americans who buy the most lottery tickets

Years ago it was Publisher’s clearing house. Seems like there has always been something. Are we really that dissatisfied with our lives? What would it take to reach that contentment? No job? No challenge…no reason to get up in the morning? Huh uh. Not me.

the other side

Are you one of those that watch the reality shows? I’m not talking the Voice or AGT. But the ones where people get dropped onto an island and nearly get killed trying to survive. Or the housewives of Beverly Hills, New Jersey? And wasn’t there a show way back called America’s Rich and Famous. What is the draw? Looking at the beautiful people and hoping to be them some day?

But hold on. Have you ever given thought as to why they are doing this? Laying out their lives for all to see. Airing some really filthy laundry in some cases. But the ones I totally don’t get are the ones that do the island thing. Do they have jobs? How can they possibly live in the real world (or at least the world I live in with all of its challenges, ups and downs and worries) and still need that stimulus. Could it be that with all of their money, their affluence, the cars, the homes, fancy clothes and lifestyles that they might be, um, bored? Are they wanting a taste to see how the other half lives?

coming home

Truth is I think it is human nature to want more. For most of us anyway. I know I talked about what gives that impetus for genius in those that seem to start with nothing https://sassaleeyours.com/where-does-genius-come-from-where-and-when-is-it-born/

But this is different. Looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

Grabbing for that brass ring?

That’s healthy. (In my always very humble opinion). Something to strive for, to look forward to. It gives us purpose and a reason to feel pride in our accomplishments as well as continue to want to try harder. THAT’S how you get ahead and succeed.

What you don’t want to get caught up in is looking across the way and thinking that the grass is greener on the other side. It never is. I think if you look closely it may just be a field of weeds. With its own problems.

mama always said…

If it rains then we will make our own sunshine. True dat! It may not be the easiest pathway but it is for sure the most rewarding.

OH! And if you’re wondering how it turned out for Arthur and Guinevere? They figured it out. We’re all the same. Our pots of gold we seek may look a little different. Our days may be filled with different things. And yes, you may be bored now and then. But we’re all still wondering what lays on the other side. And what do the simple folk, the rich folk, the other folk do.





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