
  • Getting lost in Paris

    Getting lost in Paris

    The Arrival 8 1/2 hours flying non stop arriving in France at Charles De Gaulle 8 a.m. local time. We get on a train hoping to find our luggage. A quick train ride and we arrive at another terminal and luckily see a sign that says baggage claim. All of that and a 20 minute…

  • Eiffel, Offal and Awful – my adventure in Europe

    Eiffel, Offal and Awful – my adventure in Europe

    The Reality and Misconceptions I’m back! I have been home trying to catch up on sleep (jet lag is real thing!) and get back into a lifestyle that is considerably slower paced than the last 3 weeks. Sorted through the pictures yesterday. If you read my post –He wants to take me to Europe –…