
  • The Purple Pansys-a special kind of love

    The Purple Pansys-a special kind of love

    part iv- the originals Welcome back and thanks for checking in. Today we will conclude the journey (historically speaking) of the Purple Pansys and how they came to be. You’ve met the Purple, the namesake, the moms. All of these women that came before us molded us into the women that we are today. So…

  • Meeting the Pansys’ (and how they came to be)

    The background story It really started because of Floyd and our friendship together. We will leave the details of that till last but suffice it to say on our first meeting she decided I was was wa-a-y too perky but apparently worth knowing. Our friendship is still going strong these 20 years later. But we…

  • You’ve got a friend…

    You’ve got a friend…

    In 1971 Carole King released (and wrote) the song You’ve Got a Friend. It is still one of my favorites from that Tapestry album. Every line expresses what I have always considered a true friend to be. friendship can be hard I have never made friends easily. Is it something in me that keeps people…