Do you Spring forward or Fall back?

losing time

Here we go again. Another Daylight savings event. I don’t know about you but I have enough problems sleeping without having to deal with a change in time. I guess technically since we fall back we gain an hour. If you are like most it doesn’t matter if you are working outside the home or have to be up by 5 or 6. It’s still dark.

And the other thing. I’m not getting any younger. I need all the time I can get!

turning back the clock

Cher had a great song in 1989 ‘If I could turn back time’. It talks about regret for things said and done and wishes for a do-over. This came to mind when a friend posted on Facebook wanting to change time back to when she was 20. I, in good fun, said that I would be satisfied with 35. I guess most of us have a point in time that we say we would like to return to, but do we?

Maybe we should be careful what we wish for. I like to think that we go through life learning from our experiences and mistakes. If you think back to things you’ve learned and decisions that you’ve made, based on that time in your life, would you have done the same?

let’s experiment

Want to have some fun? Choose an age you would like to go back to. We take the caveats off of the table. You don’t have the knowledge you’ve gained in the interim years, you don’t have the current finances that you may have gained, nor the people that have since come into your life.

Now-ask yourself some questions. We’ll start with the softball ones.

What was it that was so special about the time that you chose? Better health? Less responsibility? More fun? That’s all fair I guess.

Next question- what’s going on in the world around you. Were we at war? Peace? Did it matter? Should it have? Do you want to bring the world back to that point in time with you and relive it?

Are the people that you love today or the ones that depend on you now, there with you as you go back in time? Or by returning would you miss out on all that?

I know, I know, I’m a buzz kill. It’s all in fun. It’s easy sometimes to look back and think of those as the “good ole days”.

no regrets

I really try to live my life without regret. Am I successful? Not always. It requires good decisions, the ability to be unselfish and to think of the repercussions down the line. No pressure! Needless to say, none of us are perfect. We all need a little bit of selfishness. Luke Bryan says, “I believe that youth is spent well on the young
‘Cause wisdom in your teens
Would be a lot less fun”

There is definitely something to that sentiment, within reason. (Always the caveats).

what about time?

Whether you are happy where you are or enjoy dreaming and reminiscing about the past, losing time is a real thing. I am as guilty as everyone in wanting time to go by more quickly when there is something to look forward to. It is also true that as you get older, time truly becomes more precious. You see this most I think when you have loved ones. If you are fortunate enough to still have grandparents and/or parents, you may not realize it but as you get older they do too. Exponentially.

What about when you have children? Grandchildren? Those “some days I’ll do this or that” come and go so fast that you won’t know what happened.

This was never more apparent than the 3 years we spent in a pandemic. We saw children regress scholastically in many circumstances. Multiple small businesses lost everything. Our entire economy is still struggling today.

stolen time

One of the biggest impacts we experienced on a personal level was losing time. Time to make more memories, share more experiences. For those who were already operating on a limited time table, the time stolen from us we can never get back. Our some days became fewer.

Down with daylight savings time!

I know an hour doesn’t really make a difference in the big picture. But seriously, why can’t we just pick one and stick with it? I can spring forward with the best of them. And goodness knows falling back doesn’t take any effort. But all joking aside. I think I’ll take my lumps along with my memories and ever increasing gray hair. I can’t think of anything back there in its entirety that I would want to go back to.

No regrets! Afterall, I wouldn’t have all of you.





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