naughtiness of youth

Looking back on the naughtiness of youth (and those that never grew out of it)

looking back

Well ain’t it the truth! I’m not sure that some of us would survive the antics of when we were young-er. The naughtiness of youth is probably defined differently by each of us. I can tell you that I shudder when I think of some of the things I did and yet at the same time I laugh when I think about it. Really, was it so awful? In comparison to some anyway.

true confessions

O.k. so I climbed a mountain once (in the dark) with some friends and spent the night on the ground. No cover, no bedroll. We woke up the next morning and realized that 10 steps further and we would have been airborne. Not the brightest adventure obviously. (and no, there was NOT alcohol involved).

Another time I was driving home at night and I came upon a police officer with someone pulled over. I stopped my car behind him and offered my assistance. He politely declined and suggested that I continue and head home. I did so without further delay. The next morning I almost barfed thinking back on my audacity (and stupidity). And yes, alcohol might have been involved there.

Overall that was probably the worst of my folly. Lets face it. I was born a good girl. That whole “serious, uptight chick thing”. Of course it probably has been my salvation if not making me the most fun person to be around.

naughtiness envy

My body probably thanks me for avoiding some of the abuse that some folks apply. The drugs, alcohol (ok some avoidance) and wild inappropriate sex. When I look at others my age you can see the toll it took. But I do envy them the frivolity and freedom of just letting it all hang out. There is no little voice in their heads keeping them from having fun.

But shouldn’t there be a point in your life when you kind of dial it back and, dare I say it…grow up?

when are you old enough?

I see other people out there still, living life wide a$$ open. Drinking, partying most nights. And they seem happy. Can’t seem to live without it. Who’s to say what’s right? Afterall, it’s their life. Although I must confess that watching them makes me tired. (That whole serious thing again)

finding the middle ground

Anyhoo, you can imagine the dichotomy and the hilarity when they see each other again. They’re 40-ish now and both struggle to figure out what they want to be when they grow up. I personally think that somewhere in the middle might be the most fun.

Can you straddle that fence between irresponsibility and having one foot in the grave?

finding the moment to live in

Where do you fall in this world today? Have you already experienced the naughtiness of youth? Does it make you cringe or do you laugh and realize that you learned from any mistakes made? Or are you still living in that moment? No boundaries or hangups? Are you perhaps still in your actual youth and finding your naughtiness?

There’s a lot more out there than there was years ago. More instant repercussions if you make the wrong decision. I guess I’ll continue to look for that happy medium. Do the things that my body will allow and push myself outside of my uptight boundaries to once again dance on a table or two.

But I will always be each and every day,







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