Doing unto others-The Movers and the takers or…

the Givers and the Shakers-which are you?

I recently visited some friends out of town and attended what is now an annual event for us. In truth this little to-do has been around for about 7 years. We have attended for 3.


The scene is a group of ladies that line dance dressed as witches (it is Halloween of course). They do a pub crawl and collect money for a worthy cause. Sound simple? Not really. There is more to the story.

set scene

Small community, big hearts and open wallets. At least that is how I see it. What you don’t see is the months of hard work that goes into the practice and choreography of the dance and performance. But what is more important, finding the cause.

Last year they collected thousands for a child with cancer to help mom as she traveled back and forth to a hospital 2 hours away for his chemo treatments.

This year is for a local guy as well who dedicates his time supporting the local veterans. He is now going through his second bout of cancer and is having some difficulty paying the bills.

The year before it was a new bike for a lady who used this as her only transportation. She was known in the community as the “popsicle lady”. She rode around in the summer handing out popsicles to those she happened by.

a pattern

One thing I find endearing is that each of these recipients gave of themselves to those around them. They gave without expectation of reward and yet, when they needed it this group gave back to them. Give and Take. Kind of a sweet concept.

the givers and the shakers

What is most amazing is the generosity of time and money that is invested. They hold car shows, dance in the Veterans parade all to raise money for our soldiers and those in the community who are in need. The weather is seldom temperate. They dance in the extreme heat, rain and bitter cold. Recently I watched one lady on her ‘scooter’ still out there with a broken foot.

How do you define ‘GIVERS’? Is it the ones who give from the wallet (and heart)? Yep- as well as the ones that give of themselves donating time and support. But you also have the ‘SHAKERS’. These are the people that use their success and business acumen to promote these events and the people that work in the trenches. Those are some of the unsung heroes in this story. And you couldn’t do it without them.

the other side of the story

Paul Harvey always led with his tagline “The rest of the story”. That comes to mind to me now. The flip side of the coin.- [Enough euphemisms for you?]

Anyway, I want to talk about another kind of give and take. The scenario that is ever present in the face of generosity. The yin to the yang.

the movers and the takers

Regardless of the scenario, whether it is in business, leisure, or in this case charity, you have the “other people”. Those that have the means and where-with-all to help but choose to stay on the sidelines when it comes down to the work. They are the first in line to point out the need or what they may see as deficiencies but the last to jump in to offer assistance. I call these the MOVERS.

We also have the ones that stand in line with their hands held out. They stand sure with the expectation that society and life owe them. They rarely put the work in nor is there any real giving of themselves. This one is easy to identify, I call them the TAKERS.

one more hero

We all have met the ‘Movers and the Takers’. And hopefully you know plenty of the ‘Givers and the Shakers’. I think the latter are amazing. I believe that the majority fall in that category. You may be thinking that you don’t fall in either, but don’t sell yourself short. There is one more type of person I want to mention. And that is the person that continually gives of themselves.

This person doesn’t have a wallet that is plump enough to be shared nor maybe the professional ability to stir up awareness. They exist quietly in the day to day without any real acknowledgement. And probably would have it no other way.

I am talking about the ones that transport the neighbors to a doctors appointment or pick up groceries because they were out anyway. Or the grandparent who helps raise the grandkids when the parents can’t. We all know someone that falls into this category. I am thinking of several that may be reading this right now.

do unto others

Ah-h, the Golden Rule. We have all heard it. I strive to always live by it. It may not always be easy but it can be doable. We have enough Movers and Takers. My goal is to seek out the Givers and Shakers. Give them their probs and take the generosity they display as a lesson to live by.

Give and Take. A pretty neat concept.

Til next week, I am as always,






2 responses to “Doing unto others-The Movers and the takers or…”

  1. sassalee Avatar

    Thank you so much, and thank you for the continued support. Love hearing from my readers.

  2. Allen Padgett Avatar
    Allen Padgett

    As always, very encouraging. Sometimes we need reminding or we go on without being conscience of the good in the world.

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