• A love of possibilities…

    A love of possibilities…

    It’s possible, it’s the way he dances. It’s possible, the way he romances. It’s possible, because he takes me places it’s possible, it’s the funny faces. It’s possible, we simply got it right It’s possible, that together, all things are possible

  • Missing you…

    Missing you…

    It’s been almost 4 years now.  We’ve muddled through but I don’t know how.  Some of the days are clear and some remain cloudy.  That’s when the emotions get the best of me and leave me feeling lousy. How could you have left us? All of us so alone. Not really knowing how to go…

  • Memories of Granny

    Mountain grown molasses and biscuits homemade graced my granny’s table three times a day. Homespun remedies and handmade clothes flowers on the front porch blocking all the doors. Salty words of wisdom ready any time of day, a stern but loving countenance was always Granny’s way. As the years passed and WE grew older, yeh…

  • Finding the new Normal

    Finding the new Normal

    I wrote this song in May of 2020. Working in the midst of Covid and trying to make sense of a world that was crazy I got to the point where I hated this phrase. But at the time, after the death of my mom and seeing what was happening in the world (and no,…

  • Friends


    I wrote this in December 1992 as part of a Christmas gift. I am happy to say I still find it relevant today. Friendship comes in many forms and all shapes and sizes. It quietly sits in the corner and sometimes it surprises. A friend is someone who’s always there whether it’s bright or gray.…