• You’ve got a friend…

    You’ve got a friend…

    In 1971 Carole King released (and wrote) the song You’ve Got a Friend. It is still one of my favorites from that Tapestry album. Every line expresses what I have always considered a true friend to be. friendship can be hard I have never made friends easily. Is it something in me that keeps people…

  • Silence can be golden

    Silence can be golden

    are you a good listener? “I have big shoulders and am a good listener. Lean on me anytime”. Have you ever uttered those words? I have and I meant it. But are we? What makes a good listener? I recently watched a movie where two sisters were in a car and one was offloading about…

  • The shelf life of love-Couples at 40

    The shelf life of love-Couples at 40

    Has your marriage hit its expiration date? What is the shelf life of love? Wouldn’t it be nice if we came with a “Best used by date”? does your love have a shelf life? It could. Before we look at the facts and opinions know that nothing is absolute. This in particularly applies to love.…

  • Rome-ing Italy and checking boxes

    Rome-ing Italy and checking boxes

    Welcome (or welcome back). This is it. The end of our journey. A trip of a lifetime? Maybe. Hopefully we will return. But it truly will be nothing like this. The last of our 23 days was spent in Rome. 6 nights and 6 full non-stop days in Roma. We’ve gotten lost in Paris…

  • Grabbing Greece, a Bruised Cruise

    and a few other things Grabbing greece, a handful at a time If you have been keeping up you will know that we have just left Paris in my last post. Arrived for a lovely evening in Santa Marinella via Fiumincino airport and then off onto a cruise. Our first port, Santorini! Visting Greece has…