• Doing unto others-The Movers and the takers or…

    Doing unto others-The Movers and the takers or…

    the Givers and the Shakers-which are you? I recently visited some friends out of town and attended what is now an annual event for us. In truth this little to-do has been around for about 7 years. We have attended for 3. prologue The scene is a group of ladies that line dance dressed as…

  • As the world narrows…

    As the world narrows…

    “first they came for…” This phrase is the beginning of a statement made by Martin Niemöller after the ending of WWII. A German Lutheran pastor who changed his affiliations and beliefs as he witnessed the horrors that Hitler perpetrated. I guess he found that the world got a little smaller when they came for him.…

  • Wind beneath my wings…or living in the shadows?

    Wind beneath my wings…or living in the shadows?

    the wind beneath my wings, are you? In 1983 Gary Morris released the song, The Wind Beneath my Wings, on the country music circuit. And although it made #4 on the charts it was Bette Midler singing this song, from the soundtrack of the movie Beaches, that put it on the map five years later.…

  • Daring to Care

    Daring to Care

    Do you dare? Care to take a dare? Are you ready to have “the conversation” that everyone should have? Show them that you care. And here’s how. know the facts before starting One of the most difficult conversations to have with a loved one is what if and when. What if the worst happens and…

  • I do hereby promise…

    I do hereby promise…

    what’s in a promise? I swear, a handshake, a written contract. All of these can represent the intent to follow through on expectation. Business deals were made on a handshake. You can take an oath to uphold an assigned duty. And in today’s world you’d best have a written contract to protect your interests. All…