• What’s in your survival kit if you run away?

    What’s in your survival kit if you run away?

    i am running away! Do you ever have thoughts of running away? Just chuck it all and say the heck with everything. The job, the house, um..the life? How far do you take it? Is it just a fantasy that you conjure up when you need a “Calgon” moment? What are your triggers? Anger? Frustration…

  • Can Lean Principles  lead to fat mistakes?

    Can Lean Principles lead to fat mistakes?

    the origin of lean principles Lean principles is a concept that originated in Venice in the 1450’s although most attribute it to Ford and Toyota in the early 1900’s.«%20Lean%20»,Womack%2C%20Daniel%20T. This method is defined ultimately as the elimination of waste in processes that don’t add value to the industry. This can apply to any industry…

  • Dating when you are married

    an homage to love I thought it only fitting that as we approach Valentine’s Day, that we honor one of the holidays that is probably most dreaded, misused and abused of all. All in the name of love. We’ll take a look at what love looks like in the beginning compared to today and all…

  • What’s in a pronoun?

    What’s in a pronoun?

    how do I love thee? Let me count the ways Elizabeth Barrett Browning is known for one of the most iconic love poems written. Her Sonnet 43, How do I Love Thee, is recognizable by the most uneducated of neophytes. I thought it apropos that in the month of February we talk a little…

  • Where and when is genius born?

    Where and when is genius born?

    wandering down the rabbit hole Welcome or maybe it is welcome back my sassy readers. Things have been a little slow on the viewing front. At the end (or was it the beginning?) of the year, I asked for your thoughts regarding what you’d like to read about. Crickets! Yep, that’s what I got.…