• Tipping and Tithing-are we buying our way to good service and heaven?

    Tipping and Tithing-are we buying our way to good service and heaven?

    a little to-do about something? It always strikes me as strange when I go to my spreadsheet of topics finding something written months ago that all of a sudden is relevant in the news. Imagine my surprise whilst listening to Fox News today and they begin discussing Trump’s latest plan. Vote for Trump and no…

  • Three Good Men

    Three Good Men

    happy father’s day! I’ve spent a lot of time in this last year talking about the women in my family and life. They are who and why I am. But today I want to talk about the menfolk. In 1992 a movie was made that talked about ‘A Few Good Men’. I don’t claim to…

  • If it ain’t broke, do you fix it?

    If it ain’t broke, do you fix it?

    conundrum Bert (Thomas Bertram) Lance, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget in Jimmy Carter’s 1977 administration is credited with the phrase, “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” The sentiment being that as long as it was working relatively well then leave it alone. While in many circumstances this can be viewed…

  • Time and striving to cure Cancer-Are we running in place?

    Time and striving to cure Cancer-Are we running in place?

    public enemy #2 Number 2! Yes, Cancer is still ranked second as the biggest killer in the U.S. according to the CDC website. (and while I acknowledge that they are under fire these days they still remain one of our best sources for data). 2024 and we still battle daily against the ravages of Cancer…

  • Whose your mama? Wicked or otherwise?

    Whose your mama? Wicked or otherwise?

    happy mother’s day How do you refer to the woman that gave you birth? I think that defines a lot about the relationship in most cases. Although it could simply be that learned environment. None-the-less today we will be talking about mothers, mama’s, moms or whatever you decide to call them. (They usually just want…