• Meeting the Pansies-part Deux

    Meeting the Pansies-part Deux

    part ii of iv Meet Granny In a later post we will talk about ‘What’s in a name’ but for now whatever your image of a granny would be, mine would probably have filled that. But there the resemblance ends. There wasn’t a frail bone in her body nor demeanor. This is her story. her…

  • Meeting the Pansys’ (and how they came to be)

    The background story It really started because of Floyd and our friendship together. We will leave the details of that till last but suffice it to say on our first meeting she decided I was was wa-a-y too perky but apparently worth knowing. Our friendship is still going strong these 20 years later. But we…

  • The Rules of Dying

    The Rules of Dying

    The rule book The rules of dying and mourning. There isn’t a book and if you think you know what the rules are then think again. The only rule for mourning is that there are no rules! Elisabeth Kubler-Ross gave us the 5 stages of grieving. I can go along with some of that…

  • Getting lost

    Getting lost

    losing direction Have you ever set out on a drive, a trip around town or a new adventure and gotten lost? I have, lots. Nothing can compare to that dread in the pit of your stomach as you try to determine which way to turn next, just to find yourself more confused and lost than…

  • are there -HUGS IN HEAVEN?

    are there -HUGS IN HEAVEN?

    Today I switched out my monthly pillows. (no, not THAT kind of monthly). These are the ones hand crocheted by my granny probably 70 years ago with a specific flower for the month. I use these sometimes as my happy meter. There are 6 months represented for each side. I live for the time that…