• Arguing with the fence post!

    Arguing with the fence post!

    conversations with my friends If you are accused of being one of those people that would argue with a fence post then you might be known as argumentative. We all know a few I’m sure. But for our “post” today we will be talking about this in a different vein. I am talking about having…

  • THANK GOODNESS, THANK GOD AND THANK… all the rest of it

    THANK GOODNESS, THANK GOD AND THANK… all the rest of it

    happy thanksgiving everyone! Yes, we have arrived at yet another holiday. Unlike Veterans Day we don’t necessarily have individuals to give thanks for. in a new tab) Invariably around this time of year we start hearing a litany of expressions and expressed opinions about what everyone is thankful for. If you’re in the midst…

  • A name by any other sounds just as sweet?

    A name by any other sounds just as sweet?

    paraphrasing juliet If you are a Shakespeare fan or ever attended English class in 7th grade you may remember the title line from Juliet to Romeo. What she really said was, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. What she really meant was a…

  • The Affliction of laughter-Is it the best medicine?

    The Affliction of laughter-Is it the best medicine?

    who’s laughing? I know, you’re thinking that this one is really off the mark. Laughter? Affliction? How can you use these in the same sentence? Well welcome to my world. It’s my mothers’ fault and her mother before her. We both have (or had) that insatiable urge to laugh at inappropriate times. I’m not talking…

  • The Art of Communication- and saying nothing at all

    The Art of Communication- and saying nothing at all

    I believe I mentioned in an earlier post that I love words. As parents we encourage our children to “use their words”, when they are angry or frustrated. The art of communication has taken a hit in the last decade or so. We no longer use our words effectively. Have we simply become, mimes that…