• Be sure to save some for later

    Be sure to save some for later

    leftovers There are two types of people when it comes to leftovers. Those that will and those that won’t. I’ve never understood the aversion. If you like something the first time then it’s a good bet (with a few rare exceptions) that you will like it when it is leftover. Rennie is one of the…

  • Well shut my mouth! Life without filters

    Well shut my mouth! Life without filters

    mama always said… How many of you grew up hearing your mom say, “if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all.” Well I certainly did. So lets just say that last week I didn’t have the urge to say anything and leave it at that. (Sorry for the lapse,…

  • Time is a thief!

    Time is a thief!

    stealing time You don’t have to be in your golden years to realize that time flies by. I loved Kenny Chesney’s song in 2014, Don’t Blink. It talks about an interview with a man that had just turned 102. But what about the rest of us? As the summer continues to burn its way through…

  • In other words, what you’re really saying is…

    In other words, what you’re really saying is…

    speaking in public Speaking in public can be an interesting concept when you begin to poll the populous about how they feel about public speaking. I would say that as a majority most would rather have their toenails pulled off, walk on hot coals..well you get the picture. Then there is the middle group. The…

  • One man’s junk can be this gal’s headache!

    One man’s junk can be this gal’s headache!

    First things first…Happy Birthday Blog! Yes, it was a year ago (4/11/23) that I dropped my first posts. One for each category of S.A.S.S. Sarcasm-Solace and Sentiment. It has been a prolific (and soundless) ride but one I am proud of. You’ve hopefully experienced a few giggles, pondered a few words and possibly learned a…