Are you naked or are you nekkid?

Lewis Grizzard a hysterical humorist from a few decades ago first described the difference between being naked and nekkid.

In 2014, one of our more memorable (and quotable) senators, Alan Simpson defined it for the press.

“If you’re naked you don’t have any clothes on. If you’re nekkid you don’t have any clothes on and you’re up to something.

Oxford dictionary has this to say-

na·ked /ˈnākəd/adjective 1. (of a person or part of the body) without clothes. ; (of something such as feelings or behavior) undisguised; blatant. “the naked truth”

nekkid- Informal (of a person) naked.”some of the oldest photos in existence are of nekkid women”

I personally have experienced both. It can be a lot of fun when used in the right context and in the right company.

BUT! What happens if you take it out of context. Apply it to words themselves?


Your intent is completely bare and not covered with double entente and hubris. The words that you speak have meaning and clarity allowing no misunderstanding. Everyone knows where they stand and what you represent.

What happens when your words are nekkid?

You can hear the words that are spoken but not their true meaning. Have you ever met someone like that? They talk but they don’t really say anything? These are the ones that feel the need to announce to the world that what they are saying is true. “let me be clear” a phrase that makes me shudder has been sorely overused and become synonymous with subterfuge and misdirection.

Words can be a wonderful tool. We rely on them more than physical contact and other expressions of emotion to convey to the world our intent. We all need to be careful of what message we are sending. Words can be crafty and extremely powerful so it is important to a-ddress accordingly.

Ask yourself which one are you and who are the people that you allow to educate and influence you?

Are you naked or are you nekkid?





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