are there -HUGS IN HEAVEN?

Today I switched out my monthly pillows. (no, not THAT kind of monthly). These are the ones hand crocheted by my granny probably 70 years ago with a specific flower for the month. I use these sometimes as my happy meter.

There are 6 months represented for each side. I live for the time that I have only warm weather pillows. But today I found myself hugging this month’s selection and as I returned last month to its designated place, I wondered..

Can you feel hugs in heaven?

Do you still need them when you get there?

I have some friends and family that don’t particularly like hugs, but they tolerate them. Then there are those that need them to feel loved and connected. So my thoughts rambled today, in a fleeting moment if those that have left us behind, that loved and needed those hugs, can they still feel them when I send them up?

That also brings to mind the difference in hugs. Calling out those that enjoy them. Who are your best huggers?

You have different kinds of huggers.

There are those that bring their arms up around your shoulders and lean their body away and place the tepid little pat,pat,pat with their fingertips. (Kind of like they are going to catch some dread disease if they touch too much.)

There’s the lech that wants to come in and crush your ribs and at the same time rubbing their hands up and down your back (I call those the bra searchers)

And then there is the real, I’m all in kind of hug. They move in, wrap their arms around you, hold tight but not too and hold. No patting, no moving hands just…warmth and giving. They let you decide when enough is enough and ah-h-h. You’ve been hugged!

Now I’m kind of funny. I lo-o-ve a good hug. There is nothing like it. BUT! I get to say who, when and how. A handshake will do just fine until I get to know you. But then sometimes, there are people that you know just need a hug. You don’t know them but circumstances place you in that position.

A hug can convey better than any words that “I care, you matter and you are not alone” All that from just a hug.

So back to my original premise. What if those that needed those hugs, wanted those hugs, went on. What if the giver of the hug is up in heaven now?

Can you feel hugs in heaven? Just wondering.






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