One man’s junk can be this gal’s headache!

First things first…Happy Birthday Blog! Yes, it was a year ago (4/11/23) that I dropped my first posts. One for each category of S.A.S.S. Sarcasm-Solace and Sentiment. It has been a prolific (and soundless) ride but one I am proud of. You’ve hopefully experienced a few giggles, pondered a few words and possibly learned a little something here and there. Most importantly, thanks for being here and riding this train with me. Cheers to you my sassy readers! Now on with the post!

packrat, hoarder or just plain crazy?

Let me start out by saying that I like things neat. Not obsessively so. I will straighten a picture if it’s crooked (whether it belongs to me or not). I prefer that the shades hang at the same height in each room BUT – I don’t get woozy or break out in a sweat if it doesn’t happen. Most days. What I do think is that it is worse depending upon who I am with and whose house it is.

I am an organizer by nature. That means that order comes naturally to me. My shoes are lined up, the clothes in my closet are sorted for easy retrieval (long sleeved collared, turtlenecks, sweaters) it just makes sense to have things where you can find them readily. I have never understood those people that leave the house with one brown shoe and one black one. Unless you are color blind and didn’t get them lined up correctly when you placed them in the closet.

We will be heading to the west coast with friends in a couple of months. I can still see their shock when I presented a spreadsheet with all of the details on flights and lodging when we were trying to decide where to go. I think that maybe color coding each person’s ideas may have been a little too much?

then there is rennie-the other side of the coin

They say that opposites attract. This has never been more apparent than in our household. You may find socks randomly stuffed in various pairs of shoes, shoes under tables, on a footstool..wherever he was sitting or standing at the time. T-shirts have been known to be found in the street when he had taken it off, placed it on the roof of the car, and left it there. Get the picture?

At one time when I was working a particularly stressful and lo-o-ng day schedule he decided to “help me dust” as his part of the housework. His help was appreciated and though I am loathe to criticize, my house looked like the exorcist had been cut loose when he got through. No picture was left untouched. I’m still not quite sure if he left them at those cock-eyed angles so I would know he had dusted or he simply didn’t see the difference.

junkyard dog

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. Have you heard that one? Yep, my Rennie is one of those. It has been a while but at one time one of his favorite things to do on a Saturday was to go yard-saling. Our house was already filled with the kind of things that you would find there. I just never understood the concept. I was trying to get rid of stuff, not bring more of the same in.

packrat, hoarder

I realize these terms can appear harsh so lets gain some perspective. Have you ever had a child that would only wear that one shirt or pair of socks. You would have to sneak it into the wash when they were sleeping? Or that toy that is soiled with who knows what but is the only thing that will comfort or get them to sleep? Beware! That is where it begins.

Rennie accuses me of throwing away “his stuff”. It has almost become a joke in our family. I say “almost” because at least one of us isn’t amused. One year for Christmas I decided I would build him a mancave. This was his to do with as he pleased. He alone was responsible for cleaning. Folks, let me tell you. It was years before it ever got introduced to a dust rag. The heck of it is, you can tell who spends time there when you look at the rest of the house. There is order, then there is Rennie. And invariably, if someone comes to visit, that is where they end up. I feel like I need a disclaimer on the door.

how do you define treasure?

The garage is his “other” place. Last year I had finally had enough. I can’t get into the passenger side of my car door. We store part of our tools and machinery over at the neighbors. Woodpiles and ladders lurk over my car. It was time to clean out the garage. I have to laugh. The look of utter panic on his face. He loves leaving the door open. Yet no one ever tries to steal anything. I think they’re afraid to enter. Want to know how many families of birds we’ve hosted? And they always choose my car to poop on as they make their fledgling exit from the nest.

I decided to try and be clever and work my way into getting rid of some of “his stuff”. Yes, it is still a work in progress but one of my #1 goals of the summer. We currently own 5 weedeaters, at least 6 drills, 5 chainsaws, a table saw, a circular saw, just about any shape of saw imaginable. But these aren’t the problem. Not really. It is just that hoarder mentality.

Recently, after much pleading and cajoling he managed to agree to getting rid of 3 coffee cans of rusted nails. Rusted, mind you!. I simply didn’t ask when I broke down all of the boxes (corrugated cardboard) and threw them into the recycle.

bulk pick up

It’s that time again. I have seen the multiple piles of junk on the side of the road in our neighborhood. I had to laugh when Rennie got all up in arms when we tried utilizing this. We finally had some things that were too far gone even for him. We placed them out at the road..just to find the next day that our stuff had been picked up by someone driving by and they had left items for us to get rid of that Bulk pickup wouldn’t take. No more Bulk pick up for us! Sigh-h. Nothing like having “another man’s treasure” dumped in our lap.

the rest of the story

I like things nice and neat. Most of what is “precious” to me and has family ties or historical value fits into a cedar chest. There lies my dubious treasures from over the years.

I call Rennie “my little pigpen” he simply accepts it. The name calling isn’t as bad as it seems if you look at how Charlie Brown viewed his friend.

“Pigpen considers it a point of pride that he is cloaked in the ‘dust of countless ages.’”

Recently I have become encouraged that things could change. We purchased a building to better organize the garage and to have a place for Rennie’s projects. He loves that barn! We call it Pooh’s Barn. It sits along side Pooh’s garden. We are in the process of assembling patio furniture to sit out in front. Nothing leaves the garage and enters Pooh’s barn unless it has been cleaned first. He bought a floor mat to be sure that no stray leaves or debris is tracked in. I guess you could say that it is a place of pride for him.

I will have to admit, I found a discarded Amazon box on the shelf the other day. “Just in case” you might need a good box. Baby steps, just baby steps.





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