Age is just a number


AGE IS JUST A NUMBER- the number of times I get up to pee in the night, the number of aches and pains each day and finally, the best one of them all..that number you reach when someone looks at you and says “you still look good”.

Who sets these parameters and calls for that death toll to youth? I used to play a game with myself years ago. Whenever someone came into the office where I was working, I would look at their birthdate and score myself. Yep, I look better than that one. You got it over that one definitely and then there would always be that one. Depression sets in and I start wondering what I’ve done wrong that they look so much better.

At 25 I thought it was all over. I was a quarter of a century old!

I hit 30 and felt depressed. Not sure that I was where I thought I should be at that time in my life. (so glad I got over that!)

Then, something wonderful happened. All of my life growing up I had looked older than my actual years. At 12 I looked 16 and well, by 16-oolala, it was Katy bar the door. But then, at 30 things started changing. The years kept on but I seemed to look younger! And more importantly, I just really didn’t care anymore.

Society hopped on the band wagon reassigning the decades. 40 is the new 30, 50 the new 40, etc. But you always have those few that persist in sticking to those age old saws.

“Just wait until you turn 40! It’s all down hill from there.” I kept thinking oh no you don’t! I have never wanted to be put in a box and this was definitely one I wasn’t falling into.

I had a male friend that who is of the same age that lamented his growing years and the ravages that time and gravity was taking. I found it a little difficult to sympathize since he doesn’t have the female predilection to body fat and does have the genetic ability to build and maintain muscle tone. But hey, we all see ourselves differently.

A girlfriend who is a wee bit older than I gleefully reminds me of the years and milestones to come and all of the wicked surprises that will bring me. Why? Why would you do that to someone? It’s like being on vacation and knowing that this other person is going there after you and informing them of how much the place sucks (and there are no refunds!)

But the best one of all is the line “you still look good”. It’s always uttered by a male. They whom society never judges. Where lines are character and gray hair is distinguished. And that slight paunch and receding hairline? Well, that just adds to the package.

Who cares if they’re right? Years ago I was standing on a dock looking out over the water with a friend as he checked out the females nearby. Commenting casually about one lady clad in a brief bikini, that had recently moved to the neighborhood. I thought she was attractive and said so but he without hesitating states that she needs reupholstering. He further states that it happens to all women. I protested at the cruel and tacky statement but he was undeterred. I was wearing a french cut one piece at the time. He looks at me and says, “it’s coming. You won’t always look like that.”

(Not sure how, but we remained friends). And yes, as I have looked into the mirror at times I realize he was right. The upholstery is a little worn, it sags in places but it’s made of good quality and has good bones. And sometimes those quality pieces are worth keeping. They hold memories and will be here a lot longer and more reliably than some of those cheaper, newer models.

So is age just a number? Yes, it’s the number of memories I’ve gathered, the amount of wisdom I’ve gained and the total of the accomplishments I have garnered (and still plan on achieving). So come on life let’s see what’s in store next!





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