Is it best to be seen and not heard?

blog origins

I can’t believe that we are approaching a year and a half since I started my BLOG. I want to thank all of you loyal sassy friends. And a special shout out to those across the pond and up north (Canada) I see you! Those of you that don’t know me personally and have stumbled upon me through Instagram, FB or X I thought that I would take the time to talk about why I write with a nom de plume. Lately I’ve been questioning that decision as well as the whole blog thing. Thus my question today. Is it better to be seen and not heard?

fishing for compliments

I believe that one of the worst positions you can put a husband in is to ask him how you look. He’s doomed before he even opens his mouth. If he’s truthful and complimentary will you believe him? If he’s truthful and isn’t (complimentary) how long will it take you to forgive him? For that reason I decided years ago to just suck it up, believe in myself and bask a little when I get an unsolicited compliment.

meeting obligations

I despise gifts, sentiments, etc. that are obligatory. Honesty is the best policy in most situations (exceptions noted in last weeks post). It feels dishonest to place someone in a position to hand out a compliment and please don’t give me a gift without thought just because you think the situation warrants it. I’d rather do without.

gratuitous inclusion

Now we come to the crux of the post. Why do I use a different name? Well, in my mind it’s like begging for a compliment. If I was to hit up my FB friends and say, “Hey! I’ve started this endeavor and would really like for you to read it and tell me what you think.” Ugh! What would that make me? I did send out a message in the beginning to just a few. I requested that they take a look, not give feedback and simply share the site if they liked it. And let me tell you…they listened.

My reasoning was twofold. First and foremost I didn’t want to put anyone on the spot. No one wants to be included just because they’ve been forced to. We see that on a daily basis in the workforce.

Secondly, I will admit that I was a little sensitive when it came to writing. It’s important to me. I also didn’t think that I needed the validation. (I guess I wasn’t completely honest with myself on that one).

finding the niche

When I first began research about writing a blog, one of the recommendations was to “find a niche”. It was probably good advice but as I mentioned in the beginning, my brain is like a pinball machine. It bounces around hitting on a hundred different topics in just a few minutes if I don’t keep tight rein on it. I realize that my subject matter is varied. So are my thoughts. On my About page I described myself as knowing a little about a lot of things and not a lot about any one thing. So there you’ve got my Blog. No one theme just what comes to mind and which mood is struck.

Today’s post may seem a bit similar in title but content is a little different. I went on somewhat of a rant previously. It was really more about how you engage your audience. This is more personal. I am still trying to figure out what you want to hear or is it see? I asked you at the beginning of this post if it is best to seen and not heard. I’ve had suggestions of UTUBE posts, podcasts. What about the frequency? Is too much of me not a good thing? LOL.

let me see and hear you

I want to know what excites you. How did you get here on my site? Were you referred? Did I say something that resonated? Did you find a card guiding you here?

I’m not looking for compliments just a little guidance to know what comes next.






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