I think in song lyrics

the song on my lips

With a song in my heart, my mind and on my lips. I spend almost everyday with music running around in my head. And why? Because I think in song lyrics.

the triggers

I know, I know, you’re probably thinking that I’ve finally lost it. Talking to myself here on this website has sent her over the edge. OR! You might be thinking, where the heck is she going with this and decide to read further.

Do you remember a short lived TV comedy called Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist ?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5be1Wa27U2o Am I that person? Of course not. I’m not that unhinged. But I do find the character relatable.

Music has been a part of me my entire life. My mom said that I was singing before I could talk. So it stands to reason that I might be a little preoccupied with songs. What you don’t know is how often my thoughts lead to short bursts of song (internally of course). People look at you funny if you suddenly burst into song out loud.

Imagine a never ending ear worm. Don’t know what that is? Do you ever find yourself humming the same song, over and over until you’re ready to scream because you can’t get it out of your head? Well, that’s an ear worm. Most experience it the first time when they see It’s a Small World Afterall at Disney. (LOL, you’re welcome).

Yep! That’s me. The gal with the perpetual ear worm. The difference is that it is rarely the same song.

the song in my mind

Here’s what happens. I will be in the middle of doing something random. Like cleaning and come to the end of the cleanser. So the thought pops in my head, another one bites the dust. And bam! There I go, dancing to Queen singing in my head, and another one down, and another one down…

Or checking the weather forecast and seeing that the rain is going to come to an end..wait for it..The sun’ll come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar, TOMORROW, TOMORROW. Sigh, see what I mean? I think in song lyrics.

the Playlist

Oddly enough, I don’t typically have music playing when I’m home. I do listen to it when I’m outside working with machinery. I used to listen when I would clean house but I find that annoying these days. Because of my history with music my list of songs is seemingly, never ending. I am gifted with a quirky memory that stores information in large capacities. No, I’m not bragging. It just is what it is. I used to memorize songs either by taping something off of the radio and playing it over and over, or buying a catalog that had the lyrics written out.

I believe in equal opportunity music. Back when you would use CD’s I would prepare for a road trip by having combos of artists that ranged from the soundtrack to Phantom of the Opera to Gretchen Wilson’s Redneck Woman. It just depends on the mood and the weather.

I believe that I could hold an entire conversation using nothing but song titles or their lyrics. Rennie and I will occasionally try it out. He’s pretty good at it as well.

music is a language

I believe that music should be considered a language. When you think in song lyrics you have a whole new vocabulary to choose from. Sadly, not everyone understands the game. There are those that don’t have music in their lives. And I think that’s a little sad.

When I lost my mom and someone said something about singing I realized that there was one last song lyric to come to mind. The day the music died. Don McLean sang the song about the tragic accident who took several lives of some of the top artists of that era. It seemed that with the loss of my mom I had found the one thing that music had no part in.

Covid came next stealing the last notes of music left in my heart. 2020-2021 were some dark, quiet years for us all.

with a song in my heart

Music plays a huge role in mine and Rennie’s life. It’s how we met. We have spent hours sitting around a kitchen table singing song after song. We used to play a game to see who could think of the most songs all in the same key. It went like this. Rennie would start playing a random three chords on a guitar, I would think of a song that it resembled and start singing. As I neared the end of the song Rennie would jump in singing a new song with the same 3 random chords and so it would go.

I stopped singing at all in 2020. I no longer heard the songs in my mind or my heart. Rennie tried, but I was too broken. The music had died for me. Time passed, we made some changes, slowly, in our lives and suddenly one day, Rennie excitedly ran into the kitchen where I was cooking supper and exclaimed, “You’re singing!” And so I was.

it was almost like a song

You may find it a little cheesy but Ronnie Milsap called this one. It Was Almost Like a Song. And that’s what happened. I am back to thinking in song lyrics. My vocabulary of songs is still vast just not used quite as vocally. But that’s ok.

As long as there is music in my heart, my mind and my life… well life goes on.

[check out my poems page – for a look on this week’s theme] https://sassaleeyours.com/the-music-of-our-lives/






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