Olly, Olly oxen-free, free, free. Who’s getting old now? Is it me, me, me?

aging with blinders?

There are so many euphemisms out there about getting old. “Getting old ain’t for sissies” “He’s young at heart” and the list goes on. Well I’m here to tell you, so does life. It may not be the life, body and mind you once had but it is certainly better than the alternative!

One of my first posts was about aging. https://sassaleeyours.com/age-is-just-a-number/ I guess you might think this is more of the same? And maybe it is. Maybe it’s time to whine a little and lament some of the changes. So let’s go down that age old (see what I did there) rabbit hole and talk a bit about life as it changes.

glad they weren’t talking about me 👀

I was at the pharmacy today. There was a lady ahead of me that had to wait and while I was checking out a gentleman walked up said hello to her. Realizing that they recognized each other they laughed about how they were old and had become their parents since they were meeting at the pharmacy. I really wanted to turn around and assure them that I was just picking up meds for my husband. Surely, they wouldn’t be looping me into that group! After all, they had to be much older than I was. Didn’t they? But were they?

recognizing the truth

The truth is we are all getting old. Or at the very least old-ER. But what does that mean? I think that it is different for everyone. For as long as I’ve known her, my Floyd has complained (sort of) or I should say that she has claimed to be old. Wa-ay before she ever should have. And you know what? I kind of went along with it. I was doing it too, referring to myself as old. Even though I wasn’t. Was I looking for a quick denial from whomever was listening? I usually got it..till I didn’t. Boy that hurt for sure.

I still don’t think I’m old. Although I will say that in the middle of last night (yes another awake at 3 a.m.-can’t sleep vigil) I sort of had to do the math before remembering how old (ahem) or rather how many years I had lived thus far.

letting go

Letting go of the past can be difficult. Not just the “what might have beens” but the material things. Society certainly works against us. I feel guilty when I shop in the Juniors section of clothing. Not that I would necessarily buy from there (ok, maybe if it was really, really cute) but I feel like there are those that are looking and thinking (kindly) she must be shopping for her daughter or the (not so kind) whom are feeling pity thinking I can’t let go of my youth. Truth is, the clothes in the “women’s” section are just too frumpy unless you are planning on wearing them to the office or church.

Then there is the whole “letting yourself go” And I’m not talking about tying one on and raising heck till all hours. But maybe we should..every now and then. No, I’m talking about gaining weight, cellulite and getting crepey. Not cre-e-py but that shriveling skin that shows up no matter how many push ups or curls you do.

I still remember seeing an acquaintance a few years back, in a bikini. showing some age and such, and my 115lb., size 5 self thinking man I won’t ever let myself go like that. Where’s the pride? Well, the pride is still there but I’m here to tell you that eventually the muscle tone just isn’t!

then came the shoes

I guess today was errand day. I went to one store and decided to look for bathing suits. Got vacay coming up in a few. Let me tell you, I would rather be shot.😫 It is difficult enough to have to shop for these whilst wearing a coat, jeans and a sweater. It really makes it hard when you have to then look at all of that winter skin just begging for a day in the sun.

Rennie, bless his heart still doesn’t understand why I don’t buy a bikini. And truthfully, if I were 10 lbs lighter I might be tempted. But one look in the mirror and reality sets in. I don’t like following rules but common sense(and decency) does need to sometimes prevail. I will concede to wearing one in the backyard far away from any human contact only to facilitate the lack of tan lines. Public viewing would be in danger of scaring little children.

Nope! The bikini was one of the 1st items to go as I began this lo-o-ng slow trek to getting old. It really isn’t fair to be fat and be getting old at the same time. It’s kind of like life ganging up on you.

The second thing was the shoes. And this was painful! No more 3 and 4 inch high heels for me. Lort! I used to dance til all hours of the morning in those things. Walk, run. Didn’t matter. These days you can hear my poor feet screaming at me a mile away if I get anywhere near a pair.

The hubs recently took me out on a fancy date. I almost panicked when I realized that I no longer own a nice pair of winter dress shoes. So you guessed it- I went with mod and chic and paired up short, black, dress boots with a short, black cocktail dress. Hrmph! Don’t think I’m down for the count yet!

losing the faculties or searching for the facilities?

I like to think that the faculties are still intact. My hearing is excellent, the mind still sound. Memory good. Vision not so much. I graduated to prescription lens a few years ago. I can still wear the “cheaters” but liked to coordinate those with my outfits. All in fun, until the numbers kept changing and getting higher. I finally said the heck with fashion and agreed to a permanent pair. No blinders or vanity there. I just now have really, really big eyes.

Oh, and the facilities bit? Suffice it say that and ‘old’ friend once coined this. He said that at his age he was always either peeing or looking for a place to pee. (’nuff said).

“another day older and deeper in debt”

Tennessee Ernie Ford sang about that one. You just can’t get away from it. When I was growing up I always wanted freckles. Not many, just a few across my nose. I thought that people with freckles didn’t get pimples.

My mom had freckles all over her legs and arms. She used to say that was the only way she could get a tan. When they all ran together. I have some or at least I always thought I did. Even that isn’t sacred. Now they call them age spots. What changed? Does a freckle have morphing capability? Is there an age cut off kind of like the clothing department when it is no longer appropriate to identify those cute little brown spots as freckles? Instead you now are the proud owner of not-so-cute age spots. A.K.A. just another way of saying we are getting old.

the young ones

It is funny but if you give it some thought the young have similar problems. Oh not shopping or hanging up the footwear and bikini’s but being seen as young. Too young? What is that? Once again, what and where is the cut off? It can’t be 30 any longer. 40? I wouldn’t think so. But that’s the crux of it. It depends upon your perspective. Not how others see you but how you view yourself.

I have said for many years that I could (and did) run circles around some of my younger 30-ish cohorts. Although I hate to admit that working in the yard this weekend I told Rennie that I felt like I had turned into a winter weinie as I struggled to get the yard weeded. I know it couldn’t be that another year had passed.

Recently I saw a friend that I hadn’t seen in a year or so. We met outside in the sunlight. She commented on my new do- blonde. I laughed and said that I had never and won’t, dye it. It was just the warmth of the sun and an abundance of gray that no longer allows me to be listed as a brunette on my drivers license.

spectator sports

I think that in some ways, life for some is like a spectator sport. They watch time go by and lament about their aches and pains and how it used to be. Why be content by what society dictates. I say FIGHT IT! Every step of the way.

If you’ve got the legs for it then wear those short skirts and shorts. Put up your hair (gray or any other color) into a high pony. Sashay into a room if it feels good.

The quote below has been attributed to several. One of them was Mark Twain. It says,

Sing like no one is listening.
Love like you’ve never been hurt.
Dance like nobody’s watching,
and live like it’s heaven on earth.

We lost a friend about a year ago who was known for these two pearls

“Every day’s a holiday and every meal’s a picnic”

I think that those people had the right idea. We established early on that age is just a number. That number however is random. Yes, you can be as young as you feel when you set your mind to it. Getting old can be as far away as you let it.

Kindness in your heart, generosity in your soul and the ability to always remember, it may be true getting old ain’t for sissies but the important thing to remember is, I ain’t no sissy!

I’m just,





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