When is nudity considered art?

jumping down the philosophical rabbit hole

Yes, here we go again. Chasing an errant thought that started a few days ago. It kind of solidified last night as I lay trying to sleep. I started thinking about nudity and all of its trappings. So I will ask you, when is nudity considered art?

the beginning of the story

I was having lunch with some friends the other day and our conversations somehow came around to odd and unusual things we have seen during our careers. I might mention that at least a couple of us came from a medical background so we might look at things a little differently when it comes to the human body.

In this particular case suffice it to say that we went into a fit of giggles when a reference was made to “how cute” a certain body part was whilst thinking that it resembled a little birds nest with 2 eggs in it.

back in time

I wonder when we started viewing nudity as something to be ashamed of? About a year ago I posted about the difference between being naked vs. nekkid. https://sassaleeyours.com/are-you-naked-or-are-you-nekkid/ That centered more around the words that we use and being transparent. Today I really want to talk about the various stages of undress.

If we take a look at the Renaissance period you will find that most of the art created involved nude figures. Michelangelo was rather obsessed about it. He painted the entire Sistine chapel with figures completely nude. Of course part of that was because he was irritated at the rulers that commissioned the work. They later had Raphael add clothing to some so as not to offend the people.

Can you imagine David with a loin cloth? Could the Renaissance period in all of its naked glory be a response to the 900 years spent in the Dark Ages prior? (and though I enjoyed the exquisite art work and the multiple museums, at the end of 3 weeks I have to say that I have never seen so many tallywhackers in one place)

the love affair continues

When you look at the human body and view it as you can so readily in Rome, you get caught up in the beauty. Is it due to being carved in marble? Or displayed in the brilliant colors of a painting? When you look at the human body do you find it remarkable with all of its complexities? Is that when nudity is considered art?

is beauty in the eye of the beholder?

The quote “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” should be self explanatory. We all view different things and people as beautiful. Paul Rubens found the curvaceous form of a woman to be his passion. So much so that his paintings and depiction of the nude form was denoted as Rubenesque. The term became shorthand for a voluptuous female body, according to this source- https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2023/09/21/there-was-more-to-the-female-figures-in-peter-paul-rubenss-paintings-than-being-rubenesque#

when nudity and naked become nekkid

Isn’t it odd that we can have thousands of years of nude figures displayed in museums in places of honor and an algorithm, a group or individual can turn it into a perversion? Apparently in 2018 Facebook was one of those when they censored some of Rubens work due to the nudity. I guess they weren’t beholding the beauty the rest of us was seeing.

There have always been and will always be those that perceive the absence of clothing as being “nekkid”. I guess we could blame it on Adam and Eve. If Rennie had his way the whole world would be nude. He finds clothes to be annoying. I’m not crazy about all of the pieces that society feels is required, but I do feel like they have their place.

finding the difference

So, when do you think nudity is appropriate and when is it considered art? In some of the European countries you’ll find that they don’t have the hangups we seem to have here about it. Could that be because of how they behold it?

Over time here in the States we have had nude bars. I’m not talking about the strip clubs, the topless bars and their lap dances. There was a time that the patrons attended au natural. There is still one in Key West with a “clothing optional” feature.

Is the intent to titillate? (No pun intended) Or is it to exercise the freedom of movement and the enjoyment of the human form?

We all know of those that simply cannot think of the naked human body as anything but a lead up to sex. And if you have someone gyrating in your face asking for money, I get it. I also get that some never grow up and probably should stick to cold showers and places requiring clothes.

I’ve visited nude beaches and been on cruise ships and resorts that don’t discourage topless sunbathing. Orient Beach in St Maarten is renowned as a nude beach. There you are the minority if you are wearing clothes. (I was definitely in the minority on that trip).

I must say after spending a week there you understand more clearly about beauty being in the eyes of the beholder. Personally I don’t think that there is anything more enjoyable than basking in the sun sans clothes. I just prefer to do it in private.

putting all the pieces together

When you look at the human form objectively you may struggle with finding the beauty. Taking the pieces and parts separately is not always appetizing. And as we said in the beginning some parts may morph into something else entirely when viewed with humor and an open mind.

So when is nudity considered art? When it excites you. When it takes your breath away as you view the sheer strength, resilience and miraculous mechanics of nature. Whether it is carved in marble or painted on a canvas. Whether the real flesh and blood version is voluptuous or as thin as Twiggy. We all behold beauty differently and I feel we are better for it.

Let your words remain transparent and naked. Consider your body, whatever it looks like, to be a work of art and treat it as a treasure.


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