Conversations with mama-you’re never too old but can you be too late?

strolling down memory lane

“If I could hear my mama pray again” – “Tears in Heaven” – “I remember mama” and now the latest, “Seven minutes in heaven”. Whether it’s a song, a movie or simply a sentiment they all have one thing in common. Strolling down memory lane, going back, a do over.

Everyone experiences loss at some point in their lives. Some more than others. We’ve talked about the rules (there aren’t any) , but what about regrets?

regrets, i’ve had a few..

Ok, Ok I guess the songs just keep on coming. (We can talk about how I think in song lyrics later).

Just as everyone handles death differently, such is the same in life. There are some that never give a thought to anyone but themselves, those that think life is forever and haven’t experienced loss yet. Some simply don’t care and then there are the excuse makers. “I don’t have time, I have other responsibilities, I’ll get around to it.”

The simple fact is that all of these people end up the same way, with regrets. When you are a child the world revolves around you. As a young adult one hopes that changes. And as a more mature adult there simply aren’t any excuses.

you’re never too old

I once heard someone comment that you never get too old to want your mama. Even a lot of the hardened criminal sort can be brought to tears or remorse when it comes to that. I say the time is now! She’s there for you and wants to hear from you.

A piece of my heart

I was one of the lucky ones that knew early on how important mama was. Our “some day” interval of spending time together was one of necessity and borne from taking care of others. But we made it work anyway.

I remember checking myself out of high school my senior year and calling her up to meet for lunch. (We were both working full time with opposite schedules). Later, after my dad died we met each month grabbing a weekend here and there for giggles. I’d call her while driving to meetings or in route to work. It didn’t matter how long we had to talk, only that we did.

When she fell in love again, I was there. I met her special fellow (my pal Arnie). What a good choice. They made every minute count. We all became forever friends. My Rennie, Arnie, mama and me.

one more song…

It’s not something you get over, it’s something you get through” Willie Nelson did that one.

It doesn’t have to be your mama that you lose. Loss is a part of life, but life can play tricks on you. You may think you have forever or you may not think about it at all. But one day you just may want to sit down and have that conversation. You come up for air and look around and that one person who you want to talk to is no longer there. And you are left holding that conversation…with regret.

I hope that I am preaching to the choir, and honestly, I don’t mean to be preaching at all. You – Do – You.

I’m just letting you know that going back isn’t an option. and who would want to?

if i could do it all over again

Would I? No! Bring them back for a convo? Not in my wildest dreams would I want to bring back anyone that I’ve lost. How could you want to go through that unbelievable pain, emptiness again? I think I’ll take care of it the first time around.

It will be 4 years this month since I lost my mom, my friend and confidante. I miss laughing with her. I wish I could show her my new bedroom suite, share a glass of wine.

Willie was right. You don’t get over it but you can make it through. We all have our good days and our bad. I just console myself with the memories of laughter, love and conversations we had in the short time that she was here. Miss you my mama.





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