LIFE’S CYCLES~ retirement, periods, menopause and all that jazz

…and not necessarily in that order

Life’s cycles are one big trip. When I started thinking about this topic I kind of thought that where I was going would be unique. Wanted a pic to DE-pict what I was thinking and discovered there were a lot of people that got there before me. I quickly jumped from that site and decided to talk about it anyway.

This is me! My blog and my thoughts. And you, my sassy readers chose to tune in, so thank you. Happy New Year! Let’s start 2024 with a little light hearted SARCASM. No need to jump right into the serious stuff.

defining the cycle

If you Google life’s cycles then you pretty much get a list of stages-birth, adolescence, adulthood and then some other clever folks may add “other”, “old” take your pick.

I’m talking about cycles or maybe even the circle of life and how it represents itself within those stages. We could start at birth but honestly there isn’t a whole lot going on there to talk about. Well, unless you want to listen to the news and the zealots talk about when that particular cycle begins. Now THAT’S a conversation that has no end-good or bad.

Ok, Ok- yes those are the formative years but you still have to have someone feed you, wipe your bottom and your mouth and generally hang on for the ride and hope they don’t introduce bad habits too early.

the onset of adolescence

No, if you want to start somewhere then lets start with adolescence. You are now feeding, bathing and dressing yourself (for the most part). Happily trotting along without a care in the world. Playing with your toys-Barbies, trucks or all of the above when all of a sudden things start to change.

Physically, boys notice that the girls are getting taller, girls notice that the boys are getting dumber and that things aren’t quite the same when it comes to their bodies. The boys take a little longer to get there but soon little Susie isn’t quite as silly as she seemed a year ago.

For you girls, there’s “the talk”. “Your body is changing, it’s a wonderful thing and womanhood is just around the corner.” I cry Bull$h#! In reality, your boobs are sore and growing, hair is appearing where it never was before and then comes..the curse, your monthly-the PERIOD.

Meanwhile the boys get a chat about responsibility and raging hormones. Maybe, just maybe, that talk needs to be a little more in depth for them as well. Just sayin’.

the period

Leaving adolescence and entering the teen years can be daunting. Having nature jump in with periods before you are ready to get there is scary as hell. If you are lucky (and I was) you have a mom or dad and sometimes both that help make that transition a little less frightening. Age 13/14 I personally think is one of the worse ages there is (at least so far). You are neither a child nor an adult, your body and emotions are at war with you. Nothing like having your entire psyche turn on you every month along with the belief that there is a demon physically inside tearing at your insides in an attempt to exit your body. And yay! You get to look forward to that each month!

I’m not leaving the boys out. They take a little longer to get there. And yes, there are trials. Some take longer than others to start growing those beards. Growth spurts can hit anywhere from 12 to 17. And of course there are the joys of having that devilish imp grab your vocal cords and send it into a never before seen register just when you are wanting to make a point.

adulting and responsibility

Once you are firmly into your teens, life changes. Whether it is school, your peers or your parents influence, you begin thinking for yourself. (And please understand, I do realize that we have adults in this world that never experienced that particular cycle and never will-just check in with the Whitehouse).

You may not see that thinking for yourself is one of lifes’ cycles but it is one of the most crucial. It can be when you suddenly decide that your parents beliefs aren’t your own or when you take a stand and defend a belief or person when those around you are saying something different.

Having the courage of your convictions is an expression believed to have originated in the 1800’s as a translation of the French le courage de son opinion (“the courage of his opinion”).–have-the#

My Rennie would phrase it this way when talking to our son- I will stand behind you if you decide to go against the grain, as long as you are prepared to face the ramifications or consequences of your actions.

I like that and have tried to always live by it.

middle age and menopause

Living in your 20’s, 30’s and 40’s is an adventure if you let it be. Once you hit that second decade you should be out on your own making your own money, making your own decisions. By the 3rd decade you should have figured out who you are and where you are going and usually who you want to do it with. Another way I’ve heard it described is if you were in your 20’s and you weren’t a liberal you don’t have a heart and if you were in your 30’s and not a conservative you don’t have a brain.

Make of that one what you will.

Then there are the 40’s. It seems that every year or so someone supposedly in the know proclaims that the previous decade of life is really the earlier one. Personally I think this is a desperate attempt to hang onto our youth. 30 is the new 20, 40 is the new 30…Well I hate to disillusion you but time tells us differently.

Another one of life’s cycles is middle age. Even the thought of that word makes me cringe. Middle age by definition would mean that you have lived half of your life. You are in your 40’s. Established in your career, you’re building a family and looking to the future. Are you saving for those golden years? That’s the technical side. What about the physical?


One of life’s most vicious cycles. Oh and don’t think I am leaving the gents out. They can experience it too.

You thought that periods and adolescence was fun well welcome to this personal hell. Menopause, when gravity begins to take hold of your stomach and arm muscles. Metabolism has become non-existent and that demon that controlled all of your emotions and thoughts then sends them on a roller coaster- He’s back!

And men, you can run but you can’t hide. It may take you a little longer to get there (adulting did too), but it’s coming! It starts with an added trip or two to the bathroom during the night. An excuse, maybe blamed on a little too much to drink or a stressful day, when things go south instead of north in the bedroom. It’s just another of life’s cycles that we have to look forward to.

retirement and the golden years

As you move from your 40’s into the 50’s and 60’s you begin to think about slowing down. The kids are grown and out of the house-hopefully, and experiencing their own life’s cycles.

When possible you’ve planned for these later years in life. Retire with a pension or a stacked 401K. Golf a couple of times a week, lunch with the buds and besties. But life throws another curve.
Remember the supposed ones in the know? Well maybe they knew a little after all.

What if you are in your 50’s or even 60’s and you decide you’re not ready to hand it all in yet. Yes, a choice! And you reinvent yourself. What??? Could 50 be the new 40 and 60 the new you?

life expectancy

Now you’re just making the rest look bad. BUT! Maybe the rules have changed. We as a people are smarter and getting smarter-mostly. We have learned how to take care of ourselves in a more healthy way. Lessening stress where we can, exercising. It is never too late!

Because I am here to tell you, life expectancy is the ultimate in life’s cycles and it is screwing with us!

If you look at the ones that went before us, wa-a-y before us, then you were smart enough to do the math and figure that middle age was at 40 only if you expected to die at 80. Now with science and better habits we are seeing our parents and grandparents living longer. Feeling good and still being good examples-mostly. So here we are looking at what was to be the final stage. Old age isn’t for sissies you say? Hrmph! I say life isn’t for sissies wherever you are in it. So buckle up! To quote Betty Davis, “it’s gonna be a bumpy ride”

Sassalee yours…




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