Resolutions-A set up for failure?

happy new year!

Well you did it! Made it through another year. I am hoping that everyone had a wonderful, memorable Christmas and that you made a few memories and celebrated a few traditions.

As this year draws to a close I began pondering about New Years resolutions. Do you think that these are good for you?

I personally don’t and won’t set resolutions as we count down to see that silver ball drop. (Or the pickle, the groundhog) whatever your community is launching from the sky.

a set up for failure or a promise to do better?

Some may think that as they swear on all that’s holy that the new year will bring new strength of character and determination. Me personally? I just see it as another opportunity to feel bad about myself. Why would you think that after nearly 365 days of telling yourself that you should stop drinking, lose weight or be nicer that there should be some epiphany to make you see the light. Is Baby New Year going to hold you accountable?

I don’t think so. Resolutions can be a set up to fail!


The reality is, that setting impossible goals result in usually worse behavior and an overall feeling of self denigration. My advice is to take it a day at a time. Take small bites of that elephant in the room. You might find that what you achieve is a whole lot more attainable.

As you are trying to figure out whether you are one of the ones that need resolutions or feel like what I just said makes a little sense and you’re going to cut yourself a break, lets take a look at our year in review.

year in review


In reality, this is the start of my 4th quarter. What was your year like? Would you want a do over or do you live the “no regrets” philosophy? What do you see for yourself this year? No pressure, just have a plan that’s doable not unattainable. Or don’t.

I’m new to this venture so I feel like sometimes I am out on one of those islands alone. I can see that you are listening. Some are sharing with others. That’s what I am counting on. That word of mouth. Looking for more numbers but I want to know that this is what you are “looking for” and/or enjoy.

navigating in the new year

We have 3 categories. Today’s you can find under Sarcasm. A little tongue in cheek without taking myself too seriously. We’ve had a smattering of Solace– that ability to empathize, share the pain, the joy and realize that being sad sometimes is perfectly ok and can be healing. And mostly we have Sentiment. Just my opinion.

If you follow these categories on their own or access them via the drop down labeled BLOG POSTS you should be able to get where you want to go. Choose the About category to learn a little about me and how I landed here and the Home page for an overall view of what to expect.

Anything in the cinnamon colored text and underlined is a link to that category. You will also find links through out my posts in that same color that will give you the back up source for my comments.

Warning, I cautioned that you may learn something if you’re not darned careful.

2024 incoming!

As we start out this new year together I would like to thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance. Sharing the links on your social media and with friends and families. I hope that you enjoy the crazy trips down the various rabbit holes, the barely concealed sarcasm and the timid attempts of sharing bits of my soul and that you find some solace in what is shared.

Happy New Year my Sassy readers! Drink a big glass of water on Sunday and take a couple of pills for that “I’ll never do this again” moment you find on New Years Eve. And remember, resolutions can be a set up to fail. Let’s start this year off right with reasonable expectations.

Sassalee yours…





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