Memories of Granny

Mountain grown molasses and biscuits homemade

graced my granny’s table three times a day.

Homespun remedies and handmade clothes

flowers on the front porch blocking all the doors.

Salty words of wisdom ready any time of day,

a stern but loving countenance was always Granny’s way.

As the years passed and WE grew older, yeh me and granny too

we relied on one another for the things we had to do.

Granny grew more mellow, I seemed to grow more hard.

Granny tempered me with kindness, she knew that I’d go far.

I was near when she left me, that cold, sad, spring day

and not a day passes that I can’t hear her say:

Be true to yourself Sassa, be kind in all you do

for the Lord is always watching, over me and you.

Sometimes I hear her laughing and sometimes I see her smile.

My memories of Granny will be with me quite a while.






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