Finding the new Normal

I wrote this song in May of 2020. Working in the midst of Covid and trying to make sense of a world that was crazy I got to the point where I hated this phrase. But at the time, after the death of my mom and seeing what was happening in the world (and no, Rennie did not leave me-that was poetic license) I had this song running through my head. It was written as a catharsis to let a little pressure off of the simmering pot of anguish. Now I wish we could see some of that kindness and gentler nation again.

Finding the new normal

Mama died a month ago and she never said bye.  We lost her in a frantic rush, daddy still wonders why.

We wake up every morning after crying the night away

Just searching for the new normal, today.

Ten years ago I married you on that sunny day.

You promised me a lifetime but then you went away.

You said that it just happened, a girl that you once knew

So tomorrow I’m finding normal, in a life without you

Finding the new normal what really does that mean?  

In a world where nothing is – any longer what it seems?

Is it moving on beyond the pain, betrayal and the loss

where perception is reality and reality’s the boss

Or is finding the happy, just something that we say

I wish I knew what normal was today

A wicked sickness hit the world and brought it to its knees

Stores are closed and everyone,  keep their distance please.

No human touching is allowed although its what we need

so just hang on a little longer, we can make it now indeed.

If we can survive then this could finally, show the way

to finding the new normal today

So we dry our tears and calm our fears and look out ahead.

We find a beacon in the night cause we know where it’s led.

To a gentler, kinder nation, and so at least tonight as I lay,

I’ve found my new normal today.

I’ve found my new normal, today.




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