Using (and defining) the “F” word

words and their meanings

I love words! I love the way they feel on my tongue, the way some of them sound and the sheer ability to string them together into cohesive thoughts. It stands to reason that one of my favorite songs from my youth was Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!


Short words are good but multi-syllables are the best! I have been ridiculed and derided at times because of using big words. (I finally figured out that was more their problem than mine.)

It has been said that those that curse typically have a limited vocabulary. Well I am here to tell you that isn’t always the case. I have an extensive vocabulary and enjoy using it, but I am a serious potty mouth!

the english language

If you are from the U.S. then it is a given that you speak English. I love other languages in particular the romance languages. I learned a few phrases for our european trip I am proficient in none of those but enjoyed the opportunity to learn. And though it would seem to be apparent that if you are from here then you speak the language I would beg to differ when hearing the bastardized versions that are thrown out there by our very diverse cultures and regions.

I have always understood that the English language is the most difficult to learn. With words and their many meanings, spellings. This is never so apparent as when we talk about the “F” word.

not what it seems

I know what you’re thinking.She’s a potty mouth so we are going to use everyones favorite swear word. NOPE!

using and defining the “f” word

FINE! Just 4 little letters that says so much. It depends on the context, the delivery and the deliver-er for sure.

FINE- so little letters yet so many meanings

Or there is the legal connotation

when it means the most


Just 4 little letters, one word, yet it can speak volumes. My mom, Floyd, the lovely Lena and I have it down to an art. It is an expression that clearly says…there may be issues but I don’t want to worry you. It really is o.k. and I can do this alone.


How are you feeling? Really?

My Dad was sick a lot and I will always remember him saying that when he would go to the doctor and they would ask him how he was doing, before he could respond they had moved on in the conversation. I took that lesson to heart.

When talking with a patient or a loved one, I would ask- “how are you doing?”. And if they said FINE, I would respond, is that how you really feel or are you just being polite? Amazing how opening that window could glean so much.


But what about when you are not? Here is the best and most definitive explanation of that one simple word, at least in my world.

loaded for bear and katie bar the door!

Is that enough euphemisms for you? The “F” word. All of the previous definitions do apply. But there is one “secret” definition that is still out there.

When there is a conversation going on and you are a part of that. It doesn’t matter whether you are male, female- red, yellow, black or white. If you are a professional, educated or not.

If you are the recipient of that one word in the midst of a conversation that could possibly be considered controversial, RUN!


The definition that Webster doesn’t talk about is this.

FINE!- I am listening to what you are saying, you have made your argument but you are NOT hearing me. SO! This conversation is over, you are an idiot and we will not be talking of this anymore tonight!

you lose!

Walk away. Conversation is over. There could be permanent damage done if conversation continues.

i love words!

It doesn’t have to be the $5 dollar ones with all of the syllables sometimes it can just be that special little 4 letter “F” word that says it all. I am FINE is so different than just ‘FINE’

Know the difference. Because now all is well and I am fine… and of course





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