A lesson in moderation

It has been one or two years in the making (more like 20 but who’s counting). We are finally doing it!

In one week we will be in Europe. I thought I’d talk a little bit about how we got here and if you’re interested in knowing the details of how we did it, let me know in the COMMENTS.

The trip of a lifetime

I don’t want to mislead you. When I call this the trip of a lifetime you must understand its context. We’ve had others. They seem to occur every 5-10 years.

We’ve been island hopping in the Bahamas, island hopping in the Caribbean. (and yes there is a difference)

We went cross country starting in New Orleans and ending in Nashville as we “followed the music”

and even had a particularly strange trip that was supposed to take place in Myrtle Beach, S.C. and ended up along the Eastern coast and in New Jersey. [That last one was with $150 and a credit card between us during a Nor’easter.] Whew! Fun times.

Ah-h-h but Europe. Maybe our only chance to get there so lets see as much as we can, right? Wrong! What were we (I) thinking?

The Misconceptions

I just need to outline what we want and find a travel agent to make it happen – —–{you can’t find a travel agent, they were virtually wiped out by Covid}

The countries are so close together once you get to Europe it is cheap and easy getting from one place to the other. —–{by the time that I got around to booking the lodging, the hotel and air had tripled}

These were just a few of the surprises that led to the angst and sleepless nights. Keep in mind that the entire time I was still expecting to find a travel agent to assist and take this on. I finally realized about the time that there was a possibility of assistance I had already done all of the work.

The plan

Four countries, 23 days (2 of them flying). I will be able to see my Renaissance man in Rome. And of course Pooh is going.

[Meet Pooh in my post] – sassaleeyours.com/when-innocence-is-lost-some-things-are-just-sacred/ and check out my Facebook page and Twitter account for pics https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100090324317566https://twitter.com/

I’ve learned how to ask for the check in France, that you can’t use the ok gesture in Greece and that eating is an occupation in Rome. Oh! and most importantly I know how to ask for the bathroom in three languages, (FOUR- if you count the universal pee pee dance) .

Packing is going to be interesting. We are bringing one suitcase and carryon each. 21 days, 7 sets of clothes-you do the math. My exception is clothing close to the skin. (Hate to change my Rennie’s name to Pepe le Pew)

The Reality

I would do it all again, with confidence. Just not on this scale, all at once. IF we are blessed with a next time then it will be a one week, one country focus. I will let you know how it turns out in June to see which heading (misconceptions or reality) that the trip ends up. So stay tuned.

‘He wants to take her to Europe’ But you should know, tough gal gets all teary-eyed at life’s wonders. (I once cried for 30 minutes after touring the holocaust memorial in Boston).

So I have a lot of tissues, a lot of apps and anticipation. It has been a lifelong dream to see Italy and Greece but I’ve already fallen in love with France and we aren’t there yet.

Can’t wait to take you (and Pooh) on this journey with me.





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