My mind is like a pinball machine

Have you ever played? I know we are going back a ways. Just imagine a little silver ball “pinging” into a stob, bouncing from there to the next adjacent post, and so on and so on. Yep! That’s my brain.

It starts with one thought that morphs into another (completely unrelated at first glance) and then ends up traveling from place to place until you have dropped down more rabbit holes than Alice found in Wonderland.

I get back to the subject at hand eventually but in between times it can be an interesting or sometimes disturbing ride. (Particularly when it happens at 3 in the morning).

It was on one of these adventures that I decided to take a stab at writing a blog. As I sit here now attempting to introduce this to the world I can’t help but wonder if someone slipped me a hallucinogenic at the time.

I have a friend that we’ll call..Floyd. Now she swears that there are a bunch of little men running around in her brain at any given time causing all sorts of chaos. (I figure that it’s fitting that they are men since if they were female her life would be much more organized).

Now don’t get me wrong. Floyd is really smart. She has to be to manage all the input that she gets.

Unfortunately, I don’t have that excuse. My brain is just hyper all on its own. Periodically I have to have a confab with myself and simply say -FOCUS!

Ok, I’m reeling it all back in.

Why am I writing a blog? I guess it is because I have something to say. And I talk ALOT!

And I’m hoping that you might like to hear what I’m saying. Who knew that you didn’t just start writing. The research, the hoops to jump through nevermind the angst is daunting.

Sarcasm, Solace and Sentiment. I won’t write under each one each time but will just add as the mood and life strike a thought. I hope that you will give each one a chance and see if you like what I have to say. If you do, then share. Share it with a friend, family. Share it on Facebook or Twitter if that’s where your interests lie. Oh! And feel free to “LIKE” a post anytime.

Come along on this ride and laugh, maybe cry a little and ponder about some of life’s…stuff.

Hope to see you there.

For now, it’s Sassaleeyours…..





2 responses to “My mind is like a pinball machine”

  1. Cameron Avatar

    What fun! I have never followed a blog before, and I look forward to seeing what you have to say… Enjoy!

    1. sassalee Avatar

      Thanks Cameron. I will try to post on Tuesdays going forward. Thanks for joining in the fun. Sassaleeyours…

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